
Prepare your house for sale

Today's market is extremely competitive. The supply consists of many properties for sale, while the demand contains only a limited number of qualified buyers. Thus, it is important that you prepare your house for sale, to take advantage of the buyers to whom we will show your property. Remember that there is only one chance of making a good first impression. This is a list of the things you should do to your house, before we start showing it:



Paint - Painting is one of the easiest, fastest, and cheapest ways to make your property more attractive to buyers.


Clean - Polish the floors, have the carpet cleaned, wash the walls, windows, curtains, blinds and lamps. Consider using a professional cleaning service, recognizing that it is a justified relocation expense.


Kitchen and bathrooms - Clean cabinets, shelves, and furniture. Leave out the decorative containers and nothing else. Maximize the space of the kitchen cabinet. These rooms must be shiny. Remove all the water stains that are in the bathtub and in the shower. Clean your stove, refrigerator, and microwave well.


Storage areas - In areas like the warehouse and garage, it's time to clean up, throw away, and tidy up. Remember that you can do it now and that way improve the attractiveness of your house in the market or do it several months in advance when you are in the process of moving and you do not get any benefit from doing it. Better do it now!


Repairs - Identify and repair leaky faucets, stuck or broken doors, broken windows, etc. When people see things that are not working properly, they begin to wonder if the house will have other hidden flaws.


Closets - Take off clothes that you no longer use. Organize the clothes that are hanging and the shoes that are on the floor. Remove clutter from drawers and closet in general.


Furniture - The less furniture a room has, the more spacious it will look.


Illumination - As a rule of thumb, do your best to give your rooms the best lighting. Raise the blinds, open the curtains.



Walk around the property with a notebook and pencil in hand. Write down anything that you find unappealing or satisfying without thinking about the time it will take to fix it or the cost. After finishing the tour, you can review the list and according to your budget you can decide what you are going to fix.


Main entrance - It's the first thing buyers see when they first see your home and they're waiting for you to open the door. It must be perfect!


Home - Take a good look at the condition of your house. Clean anything that looks dirty or unkempt, repair or replace anything that looks loose, peeled, rusted, or broken. Repair exterior trim, clean exterior lamps, and wash street windows. Try to spot rusted gutters, poor sidewalks, bent antennas, and remove any debris from the sidewalks.


Front yard & Backyard - Mow the grass, remove bad grass, trim trees and shrubs, remove dead leaves and branches, remove flowers that are no longer in good condition and keep the garden always swept and clean. Fix the fence and garden gate. Consider hiring a professional gardening service.


Garden furniture - Garden furniture wears out easily, so you need to check it to see if it needs to be cleaned or painted. If it is too rusted or cannot be repaired, consider getting rid of it.


Garage - The time has come to tidy up. Throw away anything you haven't used in the last year. Organize it and make it look presentable.